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LYS The Collection embodies true, authentic self love. It was founded and created in 2020 with the intention of creating awareness that every single person is capable of manifesting and attaining the self love and abundance they deserve through their thoughts and words alone.


How often do you catch yourself thinking and speaking negatively about yourself? Our subconscious minds have been programmed from our childhood, our traumas, our relationships with other people and ourselves to believe certain things about who we think we are. When we allow these thoughts to take over, they become true. It is important to become aware of these thoughts and replace them with loving ones.


How do you do that? With affirmations. Affirmations are high vibrational phrases that are to be replaced with the lower vibrational, negative thoughts and beliefs that you have created for yourself. Your words are powerful and through every thought alone you are creating your reality. We want you to remember how important it is to speak kind, loving thoughts to yourself. 


LYS stands for Love Your Self, which is something every person should aspire to do in this lifetime; easier said than done. As a team, we hope to inspire and create a community of women who, when they wear our clothing, remind themselves of their soul essence. 


Thank you for believing and supporting in our brand. We love you, life loves you.



I created this brand with the vision in mind of self love. I have been on my own self love journey since I was 15 years old, when my mom handed my very first self-help book by Robert Holden. I was an insecure teen with terrible cystic and hormonal acne, I hated how I looked. At the time, I didn't know much about what self-love meant. I was just scratching the surface, until it clicked and I realized it is so much deeper than our physical appearances. 


We are souls, living a human-body experience and are here to learn many life lessons. One of them; self love. When you tune into who you are past all of the labels and beliefs you have created about yourself, you start to see who you really are. 


My goal behind this brand is to spread the message of looking past our 3 dimensional world and look into your heart and live a life of love, for yourself and for others. 


I am so very grateful for the love you have given me, allowing me to create such an amazing brand with an even more powerful message. I love you. 


x Ashley Barron

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